Georgetown Professor Contributes to Model for Foodborne Illness


Professor Steven Singer contributed a chapter called “Foodborne Infections due to Protozoa” in Laboratory Models for Foodborne Infections. The book provides an excellent review of a plethora of valuable laboratory models that help to explain the life cycle and biology of foodborne pathogens. A lack of understanding of the molecular mechanisms of foodborne illnesses has been a major setback in reaching proper treatment. Each chapter has a focus, written by different experts, on a specific foodborne illness.  Within his chapter, Professor Singer contributed his knowledge and research on Giardia Lamblia. As a flagellated parasite, the resultant illness manifests itself as an intestinal infection leading to diarrhea, abdominal pain, and nausea. Overall, the contribution to the chapter on Protozoa and to the larger book on foodborne illness, Singer’s work is extremely valuable in providing a piece within a model of tracking and understanding diseases. Congratulations, Professor Singer! Thank you for trying to keep our species free of infection.