GU Biology Alum Czarina Ramos is making waves at Albert Einstein College of Medicine!

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Here at Georgetown Biology, we strive to prepare our students for incredible work in a wide range of careers, including research and medical fields. Czarina Ramos, a former student in our department, is a prime example! After graduating in 2016 with a B.S. in Neurobiology and minors in Studio Art and French, Czarina became a graduate student at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. She is now a third-year PhD candidate working with Dr. Pablo Castillo, a renowned neurobiologist specializing in synaptic transmission and plasticity. Major congratulations are in order: recently, she was awarded the F31 Ruth L. Kirschtein pre-doctoral fellowship for her thesis work on contextual memory in the hippocampus. We’re so proud of Czarina and can’t wait to see how her research progresses!