About the corpora

The Torontonians-in-NYC Corpus consists of interviews carried out in 2018-2019 in New York City with 31 people (18 women, 13 men) who were born and raised in Toronto until at least the age of 18, and who had been living in New York City for some years at the time of interview. This corpus was developed with was developed with support from the National Science Foundation (Grant #BCS-1651108).

The New-Yorkers-in-Toronto Corpus consists of interviews carried out in 2018-2020 in Toronto with 28 people (19 women, 9 men) who were born and raised in New York City until at least the age of 8, and who had been living in Toronto for some years at the time of interview. This corpus was developed with was developed with support from the National Science Foundation (Grant #BCS-1651108).

For more details about these corpora, please see the CoRMS User Guide.

Data anonymization

Personal information has been redacted from the interview recordings and their corresponding transcripts. Different categories of sensitive information, such as names, street addresses, places of work, and other kinds of personally identifying information were marked in the transcript for redaction, and replaced with a code indicating the type of information removed as well as the number of syllables of the redacted item(s). The redacted portions in the corresponding .wav sound files have been replaced with silence using a Praat (new window) script. The amount of material redacted varies widely by interview. Some interviews have only one or two redacted utterances while others have a great many, depending on what was talked about.

How to cite a corpus accessed through CoRMS

Nycz, Jennifer. 2024. The Torontonians-in-NYC Corpus. Version 2024.1. Georgetown University. Accessible online at https://sites.georgetown.edu/corms/

Nycz, Jennifer. 2024. The New-Yorkers-in-Toronto Corpus. Version 2024.1. Georgetown University. Accessible online at https://sites.georgetown.edu/corms/