Manager Resources

The Student Employment Office is here to assist you in managing your student employees. Georgetown students bring an abundance of skill sets and varying levels of work experiences. For some working for your department would be their first real job.

We have created a list of helpful resources to assist you with the overall hiring process, navigating student hiring in GMS, and addressing student questions regarding policies and procedures.

Student Hiring 101  (quick tips for depts on hiring an hourly student)

New Hire Calendar  (Updated 2021-2022)

The Student Employment Handbook provides a comprehensive guide to employment processes and policies for students.

Student Employee Orientation Checklist to help orient your student on their first day

Tips on how to look up student in GMS

Guidelines for hiring an hourly AFT-Graduate Assistants (GAGE) (Updated for Oct 2020)

Student Employee Performance Evaluation Guide outlining steps for completing the performance evaluation