Archive: Tax

  • Tax Policies

    The following topic list references Financial Affairs policies and Human Resources policies that address tax issues, which may impact employees, students and affiliates. Click on the topic for a brie

    Category: Tax

  • Tax Withholding

    US Citizen Payroll Withholding Employees must complete federal and state withholding elections in GMS. To make or change withholding elections in GMS, click on the 'Pay' icon, and under 'Action',

    Category: Tax

  • Collecting Sales Tax

    While the University is exempt from sales tax in certain jurisdictions, it is not exempt from collecting sales tax. GU departments making sales subject to sales tax in DC, or other states where the U

    Category: Tax

  • Revenue Generating Agreements

    Agreements (i.e. service agreements, sponsorships, revenue sharing arrangements, collaborations, and memorandums of understanding (MOU) that generate revenue for the University) must be reviewed by t

    Category: Tax

  • Sales Tax Exemption Certificates

    Georgetown University currently has sales tax exemptions in the jurisdictions below: District of Columbia Expires 10/24/24Florida Expires 10/31/23Illinois Expires 07/01/21Kentucky IndefiniteMary

    Category: Tax

  • Revenue Management

    Georgetown University generates revenue through educational services, sponsored research, gifts, donations, and various service agreements. Prior to considering any revenue activities, we ask tha

    Category: Tax

  • Supplier Tax Reporting

    Please email for copies of Form 1099-MISC and Form 1042-S.

    Category: Tax