Revenue Management
Georgetown University generates revenue through educational services, sponsored research, gifts, donations, and various service agreements.
Prior to considering any revenue activities, we ask that you read the Revenue Generating Agreement Policy and review the GU Revenue Generating Agreement Transmittal Form, which can be found in the Policies section of this website.
Effective July 1, 2018, all revenue generating agreements, as defined by FA 157, must be routed through GMS for review and approval, Treasurer contract signature, and to facilitate subsequent billing. The first step in creating a contract is setting up the customer. This can be accomplished by submitting a customer request form via the Georgetown University Customer Request Form. GMS access is not required to request customer set up, however the request can only be made by a GU employee. Training on the process in GMS can be obtained through the GMS Training site with links to hands on in person sessions as well as videos and documentation. The role request form to gain appropriate access in GMS can also be found on the GMS website. The role with access to set up contracts and perform billing is the Customer Contract Specialist.
To expedite the GMS contract approval process, we recommend that you use the legal approved Revenue Generating Contract template or the Sponsorship Agreement Template without modification to the language to document agreement with the customer. Attach the agreed upon contract document as well as the completed GU Revenue Generating Agreement Transmittal Form in GMS.
At this time, please ask that customers do not send DocuSign signature requests directly to the University. They should select the paper option to allow for the University’s internal review process.