A table with papers and different colored sticky notes.

02/13/2024 Release Notes

  1. [Enhancement] Page title will now show on Landing pages if no Landing Intro Block is used: We have seen a lot of landing pages that are missing a vital component — their Title! In the past, If you did not include a Landing Intro Block as the first item on a landing page, your title would not show. We have now updated the functionality of a Landing Page to show the title no matter what. If you have a Landing Intro Block as the first item on the page, the title will appear with it as it has in the past. Note: Please look over your landing pages as some may look different as a result of this change.
  2. [Bug Fix] Unchecking Featured/Hero image option works on preview again: When the “Use this as the hero image for the page“ is unchecked, the featured image no longer appears as the hero image when previewed. There was a bug where it was still showing the image but that has been resolved.
  3. [Bug Fix] Preview will actually take you to the Preview page: A bug surfaced which prevented people from accessing the Preview page and instead directed them to a 404. We found out that one of our external plugins was causing an issue and we have upgraded to the latest version which included their fix.
  4. [Bug Fix] Core blocks like Social Links and Image respect their alignment again: A core update changed how the alignment function worked. We updated our styling to handle this change and this fixed the alignment issue.
Release Notes