Images & Media

High-quality images are a necessity for websites. As a Georgetown website editor, you have access to the Georgetown PhotoShelter account, which is updated and curated by the Office of Communications with relevant stock imagery. Once on the PhotoShelter page, click the “Login” button in the top right corner to log in with your NetID to search or browse galleries of images specifically for use by the Georgetown community.

Recommended Image Dimensions

Different image dimensions are relevant based on the context and placement of the image. Below we provide recommendations for a few popular blocks. For a complete list of recommended image dimensions, review our Block Component Guide.

School Homepage Hero

For the School Homepage Hero block, we recommend an upload size of 2000 x 1125 px with a focal point in the center.

Program Homepage Hero

For the Program Homepage Hero block, we recommend an upload size of 1600 x 1200 px with a width to height ratio of 4:3. We also recommend using an image with a focal point in the center.

Promo with Photo

For the Promo with Photo block, we recommend a width to height ratio of 4:3.

Additional Image Resources