Adding the Block
To add the Featured Stories block, click the “+” symbol and search for “Featured Stories”. Then, select the Featured Stories block icon.

Editing a Featured Stories block
The block editor for the News block has fields for a title, a full archive link, and source selection.
To add a title to your Featured Stories block, click into the text field and begin typing.
The link field can be used to direct users to a comprehensive set of news stories/posts. Enter the link text in the text field, then use the toolbar to add a URL.

In the block tab of the inspector panel, select the desired source to draw the news from.
For the Category or Tag source selection, select your category/tag by typing the category/tag name in the text field below.

For manual selection, type the name of the post you wish to pull in the corresponding text fields. You may select up to four posts.

Additional settings
In the block tab of the inspector panel, you’ll find options to toggle the image, excerpt, and the “All News” link on or off.