A table with papers and different colored sticky notes.

01/29/2025 Release Notes

  1. [Enhancement] External Link icon is now aligned with the text in menus: The external link icon size and placement has been adjusted so that it no longer falls below items in the main navigation and footer menus. This adjustment can also be seen in the utility and sub-navigation menus.
  2. [Enhancement] Quotation Marks can be turned off on People Stories blocks: We received several requests for this and are happy to note this is now a toggleable feature. Quotation marks can be turned on or off for each Single Person Story using the toggle button under Quotation Marks as shown in the image below. When turned on, quotation marks will also be visible in the editor and disappear if toggled off.
View of the People Stories block in the editor. The block settings tab is open and a red box highlights the Quotation Marks toggle button.
Release Notes