A table with papers and different colored sticky notes.

10/27/2022 Release Notes

  1. [New Feature] Autoupdate of Profiles from GU360: We are excited to bring you this new ability to update all profiles from GU360 with the simple push of our new “Update GU360 Profiles” button located in the Profiles section. All GU360 profiles will display a check mark (✅) next to their name to indicate they are in the system. After pressing the button, any changes to a profile in GU360 will be marked with a star (⭐) next to their name. To accept these changes, please go into their profile, review the changed items and press Update.
  2. [New Feature] Option to Include Header within Info Grid and CTA Grid: You can now add a Header to the Info Grid and CTA Grid blocks which will have the same background and font color as the rest of the items in the block
  3. [New Feature] Breadcrumbs on Default Pages: We realized that this was a major miss and have remedied the situation. All Default pages now include breadcrumbs!
  4. [Bug Fix] Logo/Top Navigation Adjustment for Large Logos: We made changes to ensure site logos (image or text) remain visible and readable as the menu items take up more space, specifically for smaller screens.
  5. [Enhancement] All grid-type blocks now use CSS Grid: This one is a little more nerdy, but we have arrived in a new era of modern CSS! The blocks will resize and move based on the size available, rather than being tied to specific breakpoints. Things may look a little different than they used to, but this work will stop items from being cut off at certain sizes or in our more restricted templates.
Release Notes