How To: Highlight

Adding the Block

To add the Highlight block, click the “+” symbol and search for “Highlight”. Then, select the Highlight block icon.

highlight block search with "+" button and highlight block icon highlighted with a red box

Editing the Highlight block

The block editor for the Highlight block has fields for an image, a headline, a description, and a link(s). All of the fields in the Highlight block are optional.

Add text to the block by typing or pasting text directly in the text fields.

A highlight block in the WordPress editor with the heading and description text highlighted in a red box.

Add an image to the block by uploading or selecting an existing image from the Media Library. Change the alignment of the image by using the block toolbar.

A filled out highlight block in the WordPress editor with the image alignment icon open and highlighted in a red box.

To add a link, type your desired link text in the link text field. Then, click the link icon to add your URL. You can add more than one link by pressing the “+” symbol in the Highlight block underneath your last link.

A filled out Highlight block in the WordPress editor with the link icon highlighted in a red box.

Additional settings

You can change the background color of the highlight block in the block tab of the inspector panel. There are five color options: Georgetown Blue, Georgetown gray, Maroon, Cerulean, and Healy Lawn.

The inspector panel for the Highlight block.