A table with papers and different colored sticky notes.

03/21/2024 Release Notes

  1. [Enhancement] Image Carousel name change and feature updates: The Gallery Carousel has been renamed to the Image Carousel. We’ve added in slide counters to help you keep track of where you are in the carousel slide progression. We also removed the snippets of the following image from view so that the image in focus takes up the full space.
  2. [Enhancement] Promo with Photo feature updates: We’ve added in slide counters to help you keep track of where you are in the carousel slide progression if multiple images are added. We also removed the snippets of the following image from view so that the image in focus takes up the full space.
  3. [Enhancement] New site setting for deeper Parent-Child menus: The current default only shows grandchild pages but we realized we needed to add another layer of display to match functionality of the Digital Pulp codebase. We have added a new admin setting to allow sites to show great-grandchild pages in the Parent-Child page menu. If you would like to turn this on for your site, let us know at webservices@georgetown.edu. Note that this will apply to your Entire site.
  4. [Enhancement] Update to the Homepage Hero block and Landing page: Landing pages now accept the Homepage Hero block as the first block on the page. When this block is included as the first block on a Landing page, the title will output as an H1. Please note that the homepage hero should be the first block on the page and should not be included on other page types. Additional Note: When this block is included on a Homepage, the output is still an H2 to ensure that the Page title is an H1. We still highly encourage you to use the Landing Page Hero on most Landing pages and to use the Homepage Hero sparingly.
Release Notes