Media Library

The Media Library is an area of the admin where you can view all images and media that have been added to your website. You do not necessarily need to add media directly to the media library for it to show up there. If, for example, you upload an image when adding an image block to a page these will automatically be added to the Media Library.

From the media library, you can sort your images based on the date they were added.

Screenshot of the media library in the WordPress editor with options to filter based on date highlighted.

You can also use the search bar to filter based on keywords. This is one reason to give your images a descriptive file name and include relevant information in the alternative text field.

Screenshot of the media library showing a search for jack and displaying images of jack the bulldog.

Adding Media

Create high-quality websites by adding media files. Use individual images, image galleries, and videos to enhance website content. To add a media file to the Media Library, go to “Media” > “Library” in the Administration Menu. Then select the “Add New” button.

Then click “Select Files” and locate the appropriate file(s). Then select “Open” and the file(s) will appear in the Media Library.

View of the Media Library highlighting where to add new media files.

Clicking on the uploaded file will open the Attachment Details section.

View of the Attachment Details editor for media.

At the top right, there is information about the image: the image file name and type, the date the image was uploaded, and the image dimensions.

The fields underneath that information should be edited before uploading the media:

For more information on adding media to a webpage, visit the Images & Media page.

Deleting Media

Editors can permanently delete any file in the Media Library. To do so, open the library by going to Media > Library. The Media Library can be viewed as a Grid or as a List. 

In the Grid view click on the file to be deleted, and the attachment details will open.

View of the Grid option in the Media Library.

To delete the file, select the red “Delete Permanently” link.

View of the Attachment Details of a media file highlighting the "Delete Permanently" link.

Or in the List view, hover over the file and click on the “Delete Permanently” link that appears.

View of a Media file in the Media Library highlighting the Delete Permanently link.

Note that unlike posts, pages, and comments, deletions from your media library are permanent and will not be moved to a trash folder.

Bulk Deletion

To delete multiple files from the Media Library, go to Media > Library. 

If the Grid View is open click the “Bulk Select” button.

View of the Bulk select feature in the Grid view of the media library.

Then select the unwanted files and click the “Delete Permanently” button.

View of the bulk select option inMedia Library in grid view.

If the List view is open click on the boxes next to the files to be deleted.

Then change “Bulk Actions” to “Permanently Delete” and click the Apply button.

View of the Delete Permanently option in List View for bulk actions.