2/16/2023 Release Notes

Posted in Release Notes

  • [Block Removal] Latest Tweets block removed: Due to recent changes with Twitter’s API , we are currently unable to provide our Latest Tweets block. For this reason, we are removing it from our block library and any blocks that are currently in use on the site will give you a notification in the editor, letting you know that this block is no longer operational. The block will no longer be visible on your page if you have added it in the past. Twitter recently announced that their API is no longer free and this is not a cost that we can take on at this time. The core WordPress Twitter block is still in operation for now, but it is possible that it will break as Twitter changes API access. We will send out additional updates as we gain more clarity on this situation.
  • [Bug Fix] News by Category/Tag editor fixed: Our fantastic stakeholders let us know about a bug where no categories or tags were available for selection when using this block. This issue is now resolved! We also added a dropdown list of tags or categories which should help clarify what is available.
  • [Bug Fix] Social Icon alignment on homepages: We fixed the oddly floating first item in the social icon list and brought them all into line. We fixed this block on other page templates and completed this work this week with adjustments to the homepage template.