
A list can be created with the “List” block. Find the block by clicking on the ” + ” and searching for “List”. There will be two options: List, and Inline List.

The block search bar with the list and inline list block icons outlined in red.


The list block creates ordered or unordered lists by using the toolbar.

The unordered list, ordered list, indent, and remove indent options are all marked with red lines in block’s overhead settings.

The default ordered list will create a numbered list.

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3

The default unordered list will create a bulleted list.

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

List Styles

You can change the style of your ordered list and set a default style in the toolbar or the block settings.

All six of the list block’s style options are all outlined in red in the block’s setting.

The following list styles are available:


  1. Item 1
    1. Item
  2. Item 2
    1. Item


  1. Item 1
    1. Item
  2. Item 2
    1. Item


  1. Item 1
    1. Item
  2. Item 2
    1. Item


  1. Item 1
    1. Item
  2. Item 2
    1. Item


  1. Item 1
    1. Item
  2. Item 2
    1. Item

Additional Ordered List Settings

Under Ordered List Settings, you have the option to create a start value for your lists and use reverse list numbering.

The ordered list settings are outlined in red and are in the list block’s settings.

This is a list with the start value at 3:

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3

This is a list using reverse list numbering:

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3

Inline Lists

The Inline List block creates a list that displays horizontally on the page:

  • List Item 1
  • List Item 2
  • List Item 3
  • List Item 4
  • List Item 5

To create an inline list, create an inline list block in the editor. It will look like a text box with the options to BoldItalicizeStrikethrough and Link the text. In order to create breaks between list items, hit the “Enter” key before starting the next item like you would in a normal vertical list.

To add a link to list items, highlight the item and click the link button in the toolbar. Then enter the URL or the Page Title and click the apply button. See the documentation on link text for more instructions on creating links.

The hyperlink option is outlined in red in an inline list block’s overhead settings.