News by Category or Tag

The News by Category/Tag block allows editors to pull in pages, posts or external links on their website that have a specific category or tag. For example, if all the posts that are announcements are categorized as “Announcements,” a section can be created on this page by adding a news block with the category “Announcements”. Multiple categories and tags can be pulled into one News section. 

How to add and configure News by Category/Tag

  1. Add the News by Category/Tag block from the blocks list.
Display of the word “news” in the block search bar with the News by Category/Tag block icon outlined in red.
  1. In the Inspector Panel on the right side of the page editor, the Block options will appear. In the “Taxonomy Options” section, choose either to pull in either a “tag” or “category”. In the “Select category” field search for and select the category/tag. All changes in the taxonomy section should appear immediately in the editor. To customize the appearance of the news articles, use the “Display Options” section. Specify the orientation of the news articles (Vertical, Horizontal, Magazine, or Left and Right Sidebar) in the layout field. Specify the number of posts seen, and how they should be sorted (By date or alphabetically). At the bottom of the section, customize the appearance of the news articles by enabling the date of the post, the excerpt of the post and/or the category or tag of the post. The title and featured image will always display for Category/tag news items.
News by Category/Tag Taxonomy Options.
News by Category/Tag Display Options.

Block Layout

There are five layout options for the News blocks, Horizontal, Vertical, Magazine, Left Sidebar, and Right Sidebar.


Campus in Spring

Test 4

January 24th, 2020

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent placerat mi id justo eleifend, molestie viverra nulla posuere. Donec consectetur purus eu hendrerit interdum.…

Close up of Jack the Bulldog in fornt of Healy Hall.

Test 3

January 24th, 2020

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent placerat mi id justo eleifend, molestie viverra nulla posuere. Donec consectetur purus eu hendrerit interdum.…

Jack the Bulldog

Test 2

January 24th, 2020

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent placerat mi id justo eleifend, molestie viverra nulla posuere. Donec consectetur purus eu hendrerit interdum.…


Campus in Spring

Test 4

January 24th, 2020

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent placerat mi id justo eleifend, molestie viverra nulla posuere. Donec consectetur purus eu hendrerit interdum.…

Close up of Jack the Bulldog in fornt of Healy Hall.

Test 3

January 24th, 2020

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent placerat mi id justo eleifend, molestie viverra nulla posuere. Donec consectetur purus eu hendrerit interdum.…

Jack the Bulldog

Test 2

January 24th, 2020

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent placerat mi id justo eleifend, molestie viverra nulla posuere. Donec consectetur purus eu hendrerit interdum.…

Jack the Bulldog sitting in a leaf pile

Test 1

January 24th, 2020

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent placerat mi id justo eleifend, molestie viverra nulla posuere. Donec consectetur purus eu hendrerit interdum.…


Campus in Spring

Test 4

January 24th, 2020

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent placerat mi id justo eleifend, molestie viverra nulla posuere. Donec consectetur purus eu hendrerit interdum.…

Close up of Jack the Bulldog in fornt of Healy Hall.

Test 3

January 24th, 2020

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent placerat mi id justo eleifend, molestie viverra nulla posuere. Donec consectetur purus eu hendrerit interdum.…

Test 2

January 24th, 2020

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent placerat mi id justo eleifend, molestie viverra nulla posuere. Donec consectetur purus eu hendrerit interdum.…

Sidebar Layouts

The sidebar layouts will appear to the left or right of the content on your page and will only display the title. You can add a heading within the news block in the block settings under “Block heading”.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus consectetur blandit odio ac congue. Aenean non massa urna. Phasellus dui ante, dapibus sit amet orci vel, sollicitudin bibendum justo. Donec eleifend, ligula sit amet ultricies malesuada, eros ipsum placerat diam, ut consequat mi eros vel mauris. Aliquam vitae massa in mauris aliquam commodo. Vestibulum tincidunt, metus sit amet porta ornare, mauris metus consequat enim, non porta ipsum nisi in lectus. Curabitur suscipit justo dictum felis congue, in faucibus justo auctor. Vivamus porta nisl felis, id faucibus turpis fringilla at. Pellentesque vel arcu mollis, sollicitudin mi quis, dictum lacus. Morbi consectetur nec neque et egestas. Cras felis turpis, semper a metus vitae, vulputate lobortis nunc. Donec iaculis augue et suscipit cursus. Fusce et aliquet erat. Aliquam volutpat tempor velit, vel ultricies ipsum congue non. Maecenas mi lectus, aliquet vel dignissim id, efficitur at ligula.

Pellentesque hendrerit arcu eu quam vehicula pharetra. Curabitur sed turpis tempor, iaculis odio euismod, semper leo. Cras sit amet metus in tortor semper dapibus. Nam vulputate ac tortor ac interdum. Praesent magna tortor, congue in vehicula ut, lacinia non odio. Fusce in nisl a lectus viverra dictum ac ac risus. Cras pretium sapien quis suscipit mollis. Donec at tincidunt ante, in commodo risus. Praesent ex sapien, feugiat at scelerisque eget, imperdiet in erat. Donec sed porttitor leo, ac sodales enim. Curabitur convallis rhoncus semper.