Promo with Text

The Promo with Text block can be used to promote or highlight a key message on a page. To add a Promo with Text block, click the “+” symbol and search for “Promo with Text”. Then, select the Promo with Text block icon.

promo with text block search with "+" button and block icon button highlighted with a red box

Editing a Promo with Text block

The block editor for the Promo with Text block has fields for a headline, a description, and a link.

Add your heading and description by typing or pasting text directly into the text fields.

The Promo with Text block with the heading and description fields highlighted in a red box.

To add a link, type your desired link text in the link text field. Then, click the link icon to add your URL.

The Promo with Text block with the link icon open and highlighted in a red box.

Promo with Text Example

The Promo with text bloc with a heading, description, and link CTA.k.