Paired Content Group

A Paired Content Group carries a strong semantic meaning under the hood. Using this block can help provide more context to your content, and improve accessibility with screen readers. The Paired Content Group block can be used for:

To add the Paired Content Group block, click the “+” symbol and search for “Paired Content Group”. Then, select the Paired Content Group block icon.

paired content group block search with icon and "+" button highlighted with a red box

Editing a Paired Content Group block

The block editor for the Paired Content Group block has fields for a term and a description or definition.

To add content, type the heading content into the top “The term to define” field, and type the associated content in the second text field.

paired content block with fields filled

To add another Paired Content block, click on the plus sign at the bottom of the Paired Content Group. A blank Paired Content will appear in the editor.

paired content block with the add button highlighted with a red box

To delete a Paired Content, click on the three dots associated with the block to open the block settings. Select the “remove block” option.

paired content with the "more" and "remove block" buttons highlighted with a red box

Additional Settings

Select the entire Paired Content Group, then, open up the block tab of the inspector panel. Under “Display options” you’ll see you have the option to display your Paired Content as expandable content.

paired content group with red box highlighted display options in the block settings panel

Paired Content Group Example

Default settings


Pellentesque non massa consectetur lacus interdum maximus non et diam. Phasellus vel dictum neque, nec viverra turpis.

Nam sit amet

Nulla in risus condimentum, maximus velit a, egestas dui. Ut dapibus quis urna eu hendrerit.

Displayed as expandable

Pellentesque non massa consectetur lacus interdum maximus non et diam. Phasellus vel dictum neque, nec viverra turpis.

Nulla in risus condimentum, maximus velit a, egestas dui. Ut dapibus quis urna eu hendrerit.