A table with papers and different colored sticky notes.

October 2023 Release Notes

  1. [New Block] Full-width Overlay: We noticed that users in our Digital Pulp sites were using the core cover block as a divider in their posts. Since the core cover block has some non-accessible options, we decided to code our own! This new block is now available and is recommended for usage in posts. Please be sure to add an image or background color before adding text. It includes the following features:
    • Image can be added (16:9 ratio)
    • A background color can be added if there is no image
    • The block can be full height (default) or half height (compact)
    • Foreground text can be left, centered, or right aligned.

The compact block with a background color!

The default block with an image

  1. [Enhancement] Searching 1789 sites default update: A few weeks ago, we released a new back-end admin setting for your site search. This new setting allows you to choose whether you want to search only your site (default) or if you want to search all Georgetown sites (the former default).

    In this release, we updated the search page to clearly show where you were searching from. The title of the site where you began your search is now listed above the search bar. There are also radio buttons to make it clear where these search results are coming from.
A screen capture of the search page with new options.
Release Notes